Everyone makes mistakes. It applies to any field of human life: work, relationships, health… And sometimes – even to the way we speak. Although most of us do not pay attention to small and big inaccuracies in speech or in writing, the latest speaks volumes. First of all, it speaks about education, background knowledge, self-assessment of the author. Unfortunately (or fortunately), no one is assured from it, even Doctors of Philology. So how to avoid it? We have collected top 5 most frequent mistakes in Russian that should be avoided by everyone who speaks Russian. And moreover, by the students who are studying it.

1.      «извИни» or «извЕни»

The wrong use of the word «извини» strikes the eye especially in the writing form. Due to the fact that in the speech the letter «e» sounds almost the same as «и». But this misspelled word is not getting better. To avoid the mistake, you need to find a verification word. It will help you to choose the right letter.

The correct answer: «Извини»

The verification word: «Невинный»

2.      «ться» or «тся»

This mistake also appears in writing, as the suffixes «ться» and «тся» do not differ in speech. To avoid this, before writing a verb, you should pose a question to this verb: «чтоделать» or «чтоделает». If the verb answers the first question, you should write «ться». If the second – «тся». Everything is easier than it seems to be.

For example, я хочу ему (что делать?) нравитЬся. Он мне (что делает?) нравится.

3.      «звОнит» or «звонИт»

Your conversation partner can hang up the phone forever after hearing the voice of the person who «звОнит». You must admit that the wrong stress in this word makes a significant difference. However, there are no rules to determine how to pronounce the word correctly. The pronunciation should be memorized.  

The correct variant: «звонИт», «позвонИшь», «позвонИт».

4.      «приЙти» or «приДти»

There is no word «приДти» in the Russian language. However, a lot of people have forgotten about it or they have been far from knowing it. You should say «приЙти». On the other hand, the word «придет» is correct when it is used in future tense form. These words are used incorrectly very often. They are really very crafty and insidious like a girl unrequitedly fell in love with a handsome guy.

The correct answer: «прийти». Although «придет» (future tense form).

5.      «капучЧино» or «капуЧино», «латтЕ» or «лАтте», «эКспрессо» or «эСпрессо»

Besides that, the gender of coffee causes a lot of doubts (by the way, the correct way to say is «кофе – он мой»), thus the right use of its kinds’ names is a difficult task. Historically, «капучино» is spelled with one letter «ч», no matter how much we want to make this word longer and more drawling. The same story is with «эспрессо». It isn’t any ex-coffee like ex-boyfriend. But «латте», on the contrary, has double «т», however the stress is on the first syllable. Knowing all the above-written, you can easily attract waiter’s or your companion’s attention.

The correct answer: not «латтЕ», but «лАтте»; not «капучЧино», but  «капуЧино» (with one «ч»); not «эКспрессо», but «эспрессо» (with one «с» at the beginning)

There is only a small part of all the subtle nuances of the “great and powerful” Russian language, however it will help you to speak and write proper Russian and to avoid embarrassing situations. In fact, the way a man expresses his thoughts determines the quality and brightness of his life. Sign up for Russian as a foreign language courses in the school “Leader”. Live bright!














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