Months and Seasons in Russian

Months and Seasons

Winter replaces autumn, and after spring comes summer. The hottest month is usually july, and the coldest is january. Today we will talk about months and the seasons. 

Keep in mind that in Russian, the months and seasons are not written with capital letter, unless they are at the beginning of the sentence. These words are included in the basic vocabulary of the Russian language, so memorizing them will further improve your knowledge and skills. Also keep in mind that these nouns must be conjugated with other words in the sentence by gender, number and case.

The year seasons in Russian

Season of the year


Season / seasons

Лето Neuter gender Summer


Feminine gender

Fall, autumn


Feminine gender



Feminine gender






To tell that something will happen in a certain season, use the instrumental case. In this situation, prepositions are not needed in Russian:

  • летом — in summer;
  • осенью — in fall;
  • зимой — in winter;
  • весной — in spring.

Летом мы много гуляем. — In summer, we walk a lot.

Зимой много снега. — There is a lot of snow in winter.

To ask a question about events that occurred at any time of the year, you can ask «В какое время года…?»

В какое время года у вас обычно отпуск? — What time of the year do you usually have your vacation?

Adjectives formed from the seasons:

  • летний;
  • осенний;
  • зимний;
  • весенний.

Knowledge of adjectives formed from the seasons will allow you to form a variety of phrases: зимние месяцы (winter months), летняя одежда (summer clothes), весеннее настроение (spring vibe).

Months and Seasons

The months in Russian

The names of the months in Russian are derived from Latin words and may sound similar to the English or German variants. Like all other Russian nouns, the names of the months change depending on their case. All Russian months are masculine. 

  • январь — January;
  • февраль — February;
  • март — March;
  • апрель — April;
  • май — May;
  • июнь — June;
  • июль — July;
  • август — August;
  • сентябрь — September;
  • октябрь — October;
  • ноябрь — November;
  • декабрь — December;
  • месяц — month.

If you want to know when some specific event took place, you can ask: «В каком месяце…?»

В каком месяце ты переехал в эту квартиру? — What month did you move into this apartment?

Prepositions used with the months

  • В (in), indicates that some action or event occurs in a certain month.

The names of the months in this case will be in the prepositional case: в январе (in January), в марте (in March), в июле (in July).

В апреле я закончу этот проект. — In April, I will finish this project.

  • На (for), indicates that the action is scheduled for a certain period.

It is necessary to conjugate the names of the months in the accusative case (in the case of the name of the months, the form of the words is identical to the nominative case): на февраль (for February), на август (for August).

Операция назначена на февраль. — The surgery is scheduled for February.

  • С (from, since), до (until, to), indicates a period of time, its beginning or end.

In this case, the genitive case is used with the names of the months: с июня (from June), с октября (since October), до ноября (until November).

С февраля я начинаю новую работу. — From February I start a new job.

Меня не было в городе с апреля до августа. — I was out of town from April to August.

  • К (by), indicates by what date the action will end or has already ended.

In this case, it is necessary to put the noun denoting the month in the dative case: к июню (by June), к сентябрю (by September).

К сентябрю я закончу все дела здесь и уеду на море. — By September, I will finish all my business here and go to the sea.

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Abbreviations of the months

The Russian names of the months are often abbreviated in writing (for example, in calendars or diaries) as follows:

  • I — янв.;
  • II — февр.;
  • IV — апр.;
  • VIII — авг.;
  • IX — сент.;
  • X — окт.;
  • XI — нояб.;
  • XII — дек.

Month names such as March, May, June and July do not have official abbreviations.

And a few more useful words and expressions on the topic of Months and Seasons in Russian:

  • год — year;
  • квартал — quarter;
  • день — day;
  • декада — decade;
  • сезонные изменения — seasonal changes;
  • весенние приметы — spring signs;
  • летний дождь — summer rain
  • раннее лето — early summer;
  • поздняя зима — late winter;
  • летние / зимние виды спорта — summer / winter sports;
  • летний лагерь — summer camp;
  • бабье лето — Indian summer;
  • зимостойкий — winterproof;
  • демисезонный — for spring and autumn wear.

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