The Educational Centre Leader representative participates in the ST Alpha Istambul international conference in Turkey this weekend. The ST Alphe Conference provides an opportunity for representatives of the international education sphere to meet and share experiences during short business one-on-one meetings with representatives of other international agencies and educational institutions.
At the conference in Istanbul the Leader Educational Centre will present its affiliate projects: the Leader School of Russian, which offers courses of Russian as a foreign language for those who want to learn Russian in a country of native speakers, and EnglishPapa School of English, created in the image and in accordance with the international standards of the best language schools.
Participation in such international educational conferences is a part of the Leader Centre’s strategy to improve their own services and to create valuable educational product for the audience. In 2015 only the Leader Centr took part in 7 such conferences in order to find and bring to the Centre the success of foreign colleagues.
In 2016 the Leader Centre has already took part in a few of these conferences. One of the latest – a conference for consultants ICEF international network (International Consultants for Education and Fairs) in Moscow. The ICEF global network of consultants includes companies that use approved by the expert community education practices. The Leader Centre’s status of an officially accredited ICEF representative confirms the experience and skills of the educational centre specialists.