In this lesson you will learn how to talk about your work, how to ask about the profession and work of another person, and learn new words. Pay attention to the sentence construction and word order in Russian: first comes the subject, followed by the predicate. In addition, repeat the verb I conjugation personal endings.
Новый глагол: работать (I спряжение). New verb: work (I conjugation).
Note how you can ask about the occupation. Depending on the question, you choose the answer:
To tell who you or someone else works for, use a chart:
personal pronoun / name + verb “работать” “work” with the correct ending + noun in the creative case (answers the question “кем?” “by whom?”).
– Я работаю менеджером. I work as a manager.
– Ты работаешь строителем. You work as a construction worker.
– Он работает поваром. Она работает кассиром. He works as a cook. She works as a cashier.
– Мы работаем официантами. We work as waiters.
– Вы работаете учителями. You work as teachers.
– Они работают инженерами. They work as engineers..
Other professions: психолог psychologist, программист programmer, продавец salesman.
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