In this lesson, you will learn what gender inanimate nouns can be in Russian. Inanimate nouns in Russian can have three genders: мужской (masculine), женский (feminine), and средний (neuter). A masculine noun can be replaced by the pronoun «он» he, a feminine noun by the pronoun «она» she, a neuter noun by the pronoun «оно» it.
The vocabulary for this lesson
Male gender:
– (компьютер) computer;
– (стол) table;
– (стул) chair;
– (телефон) telephone..
Female gender:
– (лампа) lamp;
– (картина) painting;
– (река) river;
– (улица) street..
Middle gender:
– (озеро) lake;
– (окно) window;
– (дерево) tree;
– (поле) field..
The adjective is gender combined with the noun, i.e. if the noun is masculine, then the adjective is also masculine. Note the adjectives endings: (хороший) good table, (хороший компьютер) good computer – masculine (он)(he), good river, (хорошая лампа) good lamp – feminine (она) (she), (хорошее поле) good field, (хорошее окно) good window – neuter (оно) (it)
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