The school of russian as a foreign language Leader has always had the tradition of taking part in the ICEF Workshops in Berlin. Evere year thousand of educational professionals meet in Berlin. Last year’s conference was attended by educational industry representatives from 103 countries. In 2015 the ICEF Workshop in Berlin is expected to bring sugnificant results. These mostly would be the search for new partners.
The founder of Educational Center Leader Leader Sergey Sulimov will represent the educational center and the School of Russian Leader. During the forum he will take part in 30 pre-arranged meetings with foreign educational industry representatives.
Participation in the ICEF conference is an important indicator of professionalism in the educational field. Every day of the event brings significant results such as experience exchange, agreements with new partners, new technologies’ knowledge. For their part, foreign educational agent are interested in the prospects of Belarusian education at the international market. Mostly their attention is drawn to programs of learning russian as a foreign language in Belarus offered by the Leader’s School of Russian. The School of Russian Leader works since 2011. During these 4 years students from more than thirty countries studied here.
In 2015 he Conference will take three days. The first day is devoted to international educational industry experts’ lectures. The other two days pre-arranged face-to-face meetings will take place.