Lesson 15. Sonorous deaf consonant letters

In this video lesson, you will continue to study paired consonant letters and sounds of the Russian language. Once again, we will repeat what pairs are formed and how the voiced letters in the Russian alphabet are stunned: б-п, д-т, г-к, з-с, ж-ш, в-ф. Usually voiced consonants are stunned to their paired sound when they are at a word end.

Vocabulary for this lesson:

  • б → п: дуб [дуп] / oak;
  • в → ф: бровь [броф’] / eyebrow;
  • г → к: друг [друк] / friend;
  • д → т: труд [трут] / work;
  • ж → ш: дрожь [дрош’] / shiver;
  • з → с: мороз [маро́с] / frost.

To check which letter should be written at a word end, you need to change the word so that a vowel letter follows the consonant. Most of the time it is enough to put the word in the plural.

  • бутерброд [т] → бутерброды [ды];
  • клуб [п]  → клубы [бы];
  • диетолог [к] → диетологи [ги];
  • дуб [п] → дубы [бы]; 
  • берег [к] → берега [га].

курсы русского языка для иностранцев

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