The School of Russian Language Leader invites everyone to take exams for obtaining internationally recognized certificate TORFL. The exam is held  by agreement with  Head Testing Russian Center of foreign nationals.


The Certificate of successful examination of TORFL  exam will give you the possibility to enter  Russian colleges and universities, where the studies are held in Russian language and also for job placement. You can also appreciate your reference level to use the certificate later, because it is valid during 2 years.


The nearest date, available for taking this exam — 18.06.2018 at 9:00 o’clock.

The address: Minsk, Internatsionalnaya 10 street.


TORFL exam lets you recognize any of 6 levels, according to TORFL scale. You can choose the level during the application for exam. The exam tasks will correspond to this level exactly.

 In our school you  can pass any of 3 types of the exam:


The required steps to apply for the exam:

  1. To sign up by phone: +375(33)3-296-296, +375(29)188-30-00, +375(25)7-352-352, or using this form.
  2. To contact the School of Russian Language Leader not later than 7 calendar days before the available exam date with the required documents:

3.To pay the exam fees:

Comprehensive examination in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation
Level The price in roubles The price in euro
Russian language exam of migrant workers 395 roubles 168 €
Comprehensive exam of Russian as a foreign language for acceptance of residence permit 395 roubles 168 €
Comprehensive exam of Russian as a foreign language for acceptance of permanent residence card 395 roubles 168 €
The retaking of one subtest for Russian language as a foreign or one module for the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation 118 roubles 50 €
The retaking of one subtest for Russian language as a foreign and one module for the history of Russia or the basics of Russian legislation 183 roubles 78 €


Examination of Russian language as a foreign for acceptance of the citizenship of Russian Federation.

Level The price in roubles Цена в евро
The basic level for the citizenship of Russian Federation 305 roubles 130 €
The basic level for the citizenship of Russian Federation (the retaking of one or two subtests) 155 roubles 66  €



Examination of Russian language as a foreign according to TORFL system


Level The price in roubles Цена в евро
Elementary level 296 roubles 126 €
Elementary level (the retaking of one subtest) 146 roubles 62 €
Basic level 324 roubles 138 €
Elementary level (the retaking of one subtest) 165 roubles 70 €
The first level 352 roubles 150 €
The first level (the retaking of one subtest) 174 roubles 74 €
The second level 409 roubles 174 €
The second level (the retaking of one subtest) 202 roubles 86 €
The third level 418 roubles 178 €
The third level (the retaking of one subtest) 212 roubles 90 €
The fourth level 503 roubles 214 €
The fourth level (the retaking of one subtest) 254 roubles 108 €
  1. To come with the payment receipt and the passport to 10 Internatsionalnaya Street 15 minutes before the beginning of the exam.


The exam consists of 5 subtests: reading, writing, listening, vocabulary and grammar, oral speech. The exam is passed successfully if you reached 66% from the maximum possible points for every subtest.

The certificates, which are taken after the exam, are recognized by ALTE (European Association for Linguistic Testing). You will receive the nationally recognized documents about the exam passing not later than 8 weeks after the exam date.

Before the beginning of the exam you can ask any questions about the exam process, the examiner will give you all the instructions about the exam process and the documentation to fill in for the exam.

You can get the consultation and sign up for the exam by phone:

+375 (33) 3-296-296,

+375 (29) 188-30-00


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