Expanding your vocabulary is a step to fluent Russian. You can get by with a single phrase “Thank you” but there can be different situations and interlocutors. That’s why it is better to use different phrases, as well. Today, you will learn how to express gratitude in Russian.
This is the most popular way to say thank you in Russian. Both options are used informally but the latter is pronounced more emotionally when you want to highlight something for which you thank the other person.
Pronounce it like [спас̀иба / spas̀iba] / [бал’ш̀ойэ спасиба / bal’sh̀oye spasiba].
The English equivalent is “Thank you! Thanks! / Thank you a lot! Thanks a lot! Thank you so much!“
Usage example: What a beautiful dress! — Thank you (Спасибо), I made it myself. / Thank you so much (Большое спасибо) for such a wonderful gift!
It is used between close friends when you want to add tenderness to your gratitude.
Pronounce it like [спас̀ибачки /spas̀ibachki] / [спас̀ибки / spas̀ibki].
The English equivalent is “Thanks!“
Usage example: Thanks (Вот спасибочки) for such an invitation! I will be glad to see everyone!
This is an abbreviated version of the phrase thank you. It is used mainly between friends only in writing: on the Internet or in SMS.
Pronounce it like [эспээс / espees].
The English equivalent is “Thx!“
Usage example: I sent you new pictures. — Thx (Спс)!
This word is used in a formal setting or when you want to especially emphasize your gratitude, express your special approval. In books, especially in classic novels, you can find another option — “Благодарствую! [blagadarstvuyu]“. It means the same thing, though has a slightly stronger emotional connotation.
Pronounce it like [благадар’̀у / blagadar’̀u].
The English equivalent is “I’m grateful!“
Usage example: I’m grateful (Благодарю) for your attention! It was a great pleasure for me to speak before you today.
Use this phrase to thank someone for an offer to do you a favor or to do something nice. It is more often used in formal communication.
Pronounce it like [вы ̀очин’ дабр̀ы / vy ̀ochin’ dabr̀y].
The English equivalent is “It’s kind of you! You are really kind! That’s generous of you!“
Usage example: Let me walk you to the right place. — You are very kind (Вы очень добры)!
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This expression has a very formal connotation, it is used for an extremely polite expression of gratitude.
Pronounce it like [вис’м̀а призн̀ат’ил’ин (призн̀ат’ил’на) / vis’m̀a prizǹatilin (prizǹatil’na)].
The English equivalent is “I’m very grateful! I’m obliged! I appreciate it!“
Usage example: I am very grateful (Весьма признателен) for your sincere congratulations!
You can use this phrase when you feel that “thank you” and even “thank you very much” is not enough. This phrase means that you cannot repay by words what another person did for you.
Pronounce it like [ни маг̀у в̀ыразит’ свай̀у благад̀арнаст’ / ni mag̀u v̀yrazit’ svaỳu blagadarnast’].
The English equivalent is “I couldn’t thank you enough!“
Usage example: I couldn’t thank you enough (Не могу выразить свою благодарность)! Without your help, I could not have found such a great gift for my mother.
By using this phrase, you thank someone for the service rendered and promise that you will pay back with something equal in the future.
Pronounce it like [йа п̀эрит таб̀ой ф далг̀у / ya p̀erit taboy f dalg̀u].
The English equivalent is “I owe you one!“
Usage example: I found this rare diamond for you! — I owe you (Я в долгу перед тобой)!
This phrase is usually used when you want to thank someone for a gift, express gratitude for the generosity, and show some awkwardness from receiving such a gift.
Pronounce it like [да ни н̀ужна б̀ыла / da ni ǹuzhna býla].
The English equivalent is “You shouldn’t have!“
Usage example: We made your favorite cake. — You shouldn’t have (Да не нужно было)! Though, I am very pleased!
There are many ways to say “thank you” in Russian. We have selected the most interesting ones, with different meanings and degrees of gratitude.
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