Questions: “Whose?”, “Whom?”
Possible prepositions: без (without), возле (near), вокруг (around), для (for), до (before, until), из (from), около (near), от (from), после (after), с (with), у (at).
It is used when: talking about the absence of something; denoting belonging, talking about the person who has something; denoting a date or event; talking about movement, denoting the starting point of movement (from where = from what).
У меня нет желания идти туда. — I have no desire to go there.
Моя книга у мамы. — My mom’s got my book.
Моя сестра родилась первого мая. — My sister was born on May 1st.
Папа пришел с работы. — Dad came home from work.
“Желания”, “мамы”, “мая” and “работы” are used in the genitive case.