In this article we would like to show you the meaning of the word “beautiful” in Russian. You will discover how it is pronounced, what it means, and how you use it in your speech.
The main meaning is красивый [крас’`ивый’] or прекрасный [пр’икр`асный’]. All the other possible translations of this word are synonyms.
Keep in mind that in the dictionary most adjectives are in masculine.
Possible meanings of the word “beautiful”:
– Прекрасный, красивый:
As we can see, the word “beautiful” in Russian can be used to describe the appearance of a person or an object. But we can’t use it to describe weather, since weather is not an object, but a phenomenon. In this case we better use the word “прекрасный”.
– Великолепный, превосходный, приятный:
– Прекрасное:
– Красотка, красавица (colloquial variant)
Прекрасно! Потрясающе! Отлично!:
You may have noticed that the word ending for “красивый” and “прекрасный” varies depending on the gender of the object or the person we are describing. All nouns in Russian have a designated gender which determines the adjective that will be used with it. Those are masculine (красивый диван / beautiful sofa), feminine (красивая подушка / beautiful pillow) and neuter (красивое одеяло / beautiful blanket).
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Remember that you can’t always translate word to word. Most of the time you have to rely on the context of the situation, use stable expressions, keep in mind the cultural features, and look for hidden meanings. We suggest you learn a couple of expressions that use the word “beautiful”, including those whose translation is not obvious at first glance.
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