The weirdest names Russians have called their kids

The weirdest names Russians

How can you show that your child is special even before he had the possibility to get any achievements on his own? With the help of a unique name of course — one that no one else has, one that, once you hear it, you will definitely never forget. And some parents seem to be even competing on whose child will have the strangest and most unusual name.

Unusual Russian names from the Soviet times

A great ammount of unusual names for children began in Soviet times, in the period after the 1917 revolution and up to the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time, people gave their children names in honor of famous figures, revolutionary events, as well as geographical places and symbols. Creativity and imagination of Soviet parents were absolutely limitless. Today we can conditionally divide all these names into several groups.

Year seasons and geographical locations

Children were often called after their month of birth:

  • Декабрий and Декабрина / Dekabriy, Dekabrina (December);
  • Сентябрина /  Sentyabrina (September);
  • Ноябрина /  Noyabrina (November);
  • Февралин / Fevralin (February) and Апрелина / Aprelina (April).

The happiest ones were born in October and were called Октябрина / Oktyabrina (October).

Parents were often inspired by the names of mountains, rivers and cities:

  • Каир / Kair (Cairo);
  • Нева / Neva (the Neva river);
  • Париж/ Parizh (Paris);
  • Гималай / Gimalay (the Himalayas);
  • Алтай / Altai (the Altai);
  • Урал / Ural (the Urals) and Авксома / Avksoma, which means Moscow, but the syllabes are inverted.

Natural resources and flowers

The weirdest names Russians

Many soviet children were named like this:

  • Дуб / Dub (oak);
  • Береза / Beryoza (birch);
  • Ольха / Olha (alder);
  • Азалия / Azaliya (azalea);
  • Гвоздика / Gvozdika (carnation).

Technology and science

In the Soviet Union science was being actively developed. That is why many parents named their children in honor of science:

  • from maths — Алгебрина / Algebrina and Гипотенуза / Gipotenuza (algebra and hypotenuse);
  • from physics — Ом / Om (Ohm), Электрина / Electrina (electricity);
  • from chemistry, children named after minerals and elements — Рубин / Rubin (ruby), Гранит / Granit (granite), Радий / Radiy (radium), Гелий / Geliy (helium), Вольфрам / Wolfram (wolfram).

Revolutionary ideology, Soviet professions, slogans

Slogans and revolutionary ideas were very popular in Soviet times. So, shortening them, Russian parents came up with new names for their children:

  • Даздраперма / Dazdraperma — from «Да здравствует Первое мая!» (Glory to the 1st of May);
  • Давсемир / Davsemir — from «Да здравствует всемирная революция!» (Glory to the World Revolution);
  • Далис / Dalis — from «Да здравствуют Ленин и Сталин!» (Glory to Lenin and Stalin);
  • Дамир / Damir — from «Даешь мировую революцию!» (Give the World Revolution);
  • Кукуцаполь / Kukutsapol — from «Кукуруза — царица полей» (Corn is the Tsarina of the fields);
  • Ревдар / Revdar — from «революционный подарок» (revolutionary gift);
  • Праздносвета / Prazdnosveta — from «праздник советской власти» (holiday of the Soviet power);
  • Автодор / Avtodor — «Ассоциация содействия развитию автомобилестроения и благоустройству дорог» (The Association for Promotion of the Development of Automobilism and Improvement of Roads);
  • Донара / Donara — from «дочь народа» (daughter of people).

Lenin, Stalin, and other ideological liders

The names of the famous figure Vladimir Lenin and leader Joseph Stalin served as the basis for many Soviet names.

Also, many names were formed from the first letters of the first and last names of other famous people of the Soviet era:

  • Варлен / Varlen — from «великая армия Ленина» (Lenin’s great army);
  • Нинель / Ninel — from the surname Ленин, but spelled backwards;
  • Лелюд / Lelyud— from «Ленин любит детей» (Lenin loves children);
  • Вилиан / Vilian — from «В. И. Ленин и Академия наук» (V. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences);
  • Сталенита / Stalenita — from the surnames Сталин and Ленин (Stalin and Lenin);
  • Сталина / Stalina — also from the surname Stalin;
  • Юргоз / Jurgoz — from «Юрий Гагарин облетел Землю» (Yury Gagarin orbited the Earth);
  • Ватерпежекосма / Vaterpezhekosma — from «Валентина Терешкова — первая женщина-космонавт» (Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman cosmonaut).

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The weirdest modern Russian names

In the modern world parents never cease to amaze with strange choices of names for their children. In 2017, a law was passed in Russia prohibiting giving children names that contain numbers, swear words, punctuation marks and names of professions. But before that, many unique names were registered, many of which, just as in Soviet times, reflect the realities.

Patriotic names

Patriotic names
  • Единая Россия / Yedinaya Rossiya — in honor of the political party (United Russia);
  • Россия / Rossiya — quite logically, Russia;
  • Влапунал / Vlapunal — from «Владимир Путин — наш лидер» (Vladimir Putin is our leader);
  • Медмия / Medmiya — from Медведева Дмитрия, Russian president 2008–2012 гг. (Dmitry Medvedev);
  • Выборина / Vyborina (from the word “vote”).

Phantasy names

  • Арья, Теон, Варис и Петир / Arya, Theon, Varys and Petyr — from the series «Игра Престолов» (Game of Thrones);
  • Люцифер / Lucifer — from the series of the same name;
  • Золушка  / Zolushka — old fairy tale that still finds its place nowadays (Cinderella).

Geographical names

  • Сирия / Siriya (Syria);
  • Индия / Indiya (India);
  • Америка  / America (America);
  • Севастополь / Sevastopol (Sevastopol);
  • Византия / Vizantiya (Byzantium);
  • Тагил / Tagil (Tagil).

Double names

  • Салат-Латук / Salat-Latuk (lettuce);
  • Максим-Москва / Maksim-Moskva (Maxim-Moscow);
  • Архип-Урал / Arhip-Ural (Arhip-Urals).

Despite the fact that many of the above names may seem extremely strange, they are useful from a cultural and linguistic point of view. Such names vividly reflect the modern realities of society, and are a reaction to what is happening in various areas of life.

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