What are the speech parts in the Russian language

speech parts in the Russian

To learn to run, you must first learn to walk. The same applies to learning the Russian language. To speak well, you will have to learn grammar and the rules set that go with it. The rules most are about the speech parts in Russian. Without understanding them and knowing the rules of their use, you won’t be able to master Russian well.

How many speech parts are there in Russian?

Parts of speech in most languages are similar: for example, a noun is always a noun, it names an object and answers the question “Who?”, “What?”. There are speech 10 parts in total in Russian. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, numerals and the condition category are speech independent parts. Prepositions, particles and conjunctions are speech service parts.

The speech independent parts always have a lexical meaning, they are sentence members, they can be questioned, and they change (in cases, numbers, persons) and can be broken down into morphemes. You can’t do all that with speech slave parts.

To understand which speech part a word belongs to, we need to determine what it names, recognize its characteristics (gender, number, case, declension, etc.), and find out what its role in a sentence is.

Speech parts in Russian   

Let’s start with the speeches independent parts.

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It is the words biggest categories one because a noun refers to any object or phenomenon in our world. It can be a living thing, a thing, an idea, and a condition. There is usually at least one noun in every sentence, but often more than one. It answers the questions “Who?”, “What?”

Nouns examples: мама / mother, каша / porridge, радость / joy, болезнь / disease. 

Nouns have the gender, number, personhood categories, and can change their case. There are three genders: masculine (парк), feminine (страна) and neuter (небо). Nouns can be singular (страна) or plural (страны). There are nouns that are only singular (тишина) or only plural (ножницы).

The animate nouns usually include people or animals (сестра / sister, тигр / tiger), the opposite category includes inanimate objects and abstract things (солнце/sun, страсть/passion). There are six Russian cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional. In dictionaries, all nouns are in the nominative case. To correctly change words by case, it is important to know the gender and number.


Verbs describe what is happening, denoting an action. They answer the question “What should I do?

Verbs examples: ходить / go, летать / fly, находиться / be, передумать / rethink, быть / be

Using verbs when learning Russian is often difficult, especially the conjugation (there are only two). However, there are certain patterns; if you remember them; it will be easier to cope with Russian verbs.

Russian verbs have three infinitives: the indicative (to mention a fact), the imperative (to make a request or give an order) and the conditional (to describe a hypothetical situation). Russian verbs also have the active (построил / built) and passive (был построен / was built) voice. They can be perfect (приехать / come) and imperfect (ехать / drive).

The number (сделал и сделали / made and done) and gender (пел и пела / sang and sang) are also important categories which affect the verbs conjugation. There are few tenses in Russian (a nice fact): past, present and future.


An adjective function is to describe. They answer the question “What (Какой (-ая, -ое)?”

Adjectives examples: смелый / brave, большой / big, соленый / salty, кожаный / leather

In Russian, an adjective form must coincide with the gender, number and the noun case: красивый парк, яркое солнце, нет вкусного супа. In addition, Russian adjectives can have both full (красивый/beautiful) and short (красив/beautiful) forms. Another important category is the presence of comparative and superlative degrees: больше – больше – самый большой / bigger – bigger – the biggest.


This speech part does not name objects, or describe their quality or quantity, but merely refers to objects. There are pronouns nine types in Russian, and for each type there will be different questions.

Pronouns examples: я / I (personal), себя / myself (returnable), некто / someone (indefinite), ничто / nothing (negative), наш / our (possessive), который / which (interrogative or relative), этот / this (pointing), каждый / each (definitive). 

Pronouns all types are case-variant. They do not have independent signs because they borrow them from the speech parts to which they belong.


Adverbs describe an action (verb), a subject (noun), another adverb or even a whole sentence, i.e. they denote an action a feature or a feature an attribute. There are several types of adverbs, the question asked will depend on this: “How?”, “Where?”, “When?” and others.

Adverbs examples: осторожно / carefully (action course), всегда / always (frequencies), уже  / already (time), здесь / here (places), хорошо / good (quality), поневоле / unwillingly (causes), умышленно / intentionally (objectives). 

Adverbs are speech a mostly immutable part. Qualitative adverbs can take a comparative form: осторожно — осторожнее / careful – more careful.


This speech part helps to determine the objects number or their order. Accordingly, the questions will be “How many?”, “Which one?

Numerals examples: десять / ten, двадцать семь / twenty-seven, первый / first, семнадцатый / seventeenth, сто первый / hundred and first

Ordinary numerals (сколько / how much) can be in whole (пять / five), in fractions (пять десятых / five tenths) or collectively (двое, четверо / two, four). Russian numerals are case-separated, agreeing with the noun: двух грибов / of two mushrooms, двумя руками / with both hands. Numerals also agree with nouns in gender and number: пять стаканов / five glasses, один раз / once, одна судьба / one destiny, одно желание / one wish. 

Status category

This speech part is used to describe the state of a living thing or natural phenomenon. It answers the question “How?”, “What is it like?”

Status Category examples: тепло / warmly, душно / stuffy, обидно / shame, тоскливо / dreary

These speech parts are usually unchanged, sometimes with a comparative degree: тоскливо — тоскливее / dreary – dreary

Speech service parts

Speech all service parts are not the sentence members and cannot be changed.

The preposition helps to express the relationship between words in a sentence: думать об отпуске / think about holiday, ехать в город / go to town

The conjunction connects words, sentences parts with a homogeneous meaning or simple sentences within a compound: заяц и лиса / hare and fox, дождь и ветер / rain and wind; пошел гулять, но передумал / but changed my mind. Conjunctions are simple, one-word conjunctions (или, но, хотя / or, but, though), or complicated (тем не менее nevertheless).  

The particle helps to give a word a new connotation and is word formation a means: то-то / exactly, даже / even, ни / nor

Once you have dealt with such a lengthy topic, you will have mastered the grammatical rules most in Russian. It is a long and arduous journey, so you will have to be patient.

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