Calling for help in Russian

Calling for help

Got lost in an unfamiliar city, can’t decide on a choice in the store or there was an emergency? In each of these cases, you will have to ask for help. It this article we will show you how to do it in Russian.

General callings for help

1. Помоги! / Помогите!

This is the most common and neutral version of a request for help. In the first case, “помоги” is suitable for addressing a closer, familiar person, and “помогите” is useful when you are addressing an outsider or a group of people. To make the request sound soft, and not like an order, it is worth adding the word “пожалуйста” to it.

Pronounced like: [памаг’и́ / pamag’í] / [памаг’и́т’э/ pamag’ít’e].

For example: I cannot make out anything that is written here. Help, please! — Я не могу разобрать, что здесь написано. Помоги, пожалуйста!

2. Помоги мне! / Помогите мне!

This option is almost identical to the previous one, but somewhat more emotionall.

Pronounced like: [памаг’и́ мн’э / pamag’í mn’e] / [памаг’и́т’э мн’э / pamag’ít’e mn’e].

English equivalent: Help me!

For example: Help me with the cleaning and we will have time to take a walk today. — Помогите мне с уборкой, и мы успеем погулять сегодня.

3. Мне нужна помощь

This phrase sounds more formal than the previous ones.

Pronounced like: [мн’э нужн̀а п`омащ’ / mn’e nuzhǹa pómash’].

English equivalent: I need help.

For example: Could you come up to me? I need help! — Не могли бы вы подойти ко мне? Мне нужна помощь!

4. Не будете ли вы так добры помочь мне!

This is a kind and very formal way of asking for help.

Pronounced like: [н’э бу́д’ит’э л’и вы так дабры́ памо́ч’ мн’э / n’e búd’it’e l’i vy tak dabrý pamóch’ mn’e].

English equivalent: Would you be so kind to help me!

For example: Would you be so kind and help me to carry my luggage to my room? — Не будете ли вы так добры помочь мне донести багаж до номера?

5. Мне плохо!

Sometimes you may not have the strength to ask for help, or to explain what is happening to you. In this case it will be enough to say that you feel bad to attract attention.

Pronounced like: [мн’э пло́ха / mn’e plóha]

English equivalent: I’m not well! I feel bad!

For example: I cannot see anything. I feel bad! — Я ничего не вижу. Мне плохо!

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How to ask for help in different situations

Sometimes it is necessary not just to ask for help, but to indicate exactly what kind of help you need, for example, in various emergency situations, or to warn about something when someone may need help. This can also be done in different ways.



Call the fire brigade!

Вызовите пожарных!

Call an ambulance!

Вызовите скорую помощь!

I need a doctor

Мне нужен доктор

Please hurry!

Пожалуйста, поторопитесь!

Call the police!

Вызовите полицию!

I’m lost

Я заблудился (заблудилась)

Watch out! Look out! Caution!


Now you know how to ask for help in Russian or report an emergency and call for someone who will help you deal with the situation. 

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