Each language has its idioms that sound completely meaningless to every foreigner. While using such phrases, you can convey your thoughts better, adding imagery and expressiveness.
Here, we have collected popular idioms and set expressions in Russian so that you can distinguish them in speech and then use them in suitable situations.
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Russian idioms | Literal meaning | English equivalent |
Белая ворона[b’élaj’a varóna] | A white crow | A black swan |
Биться как рыба об лёд[bit’sỳa kak r̀yba ab lyod] | To beat against the ice like a fish | To pull the devil by the tail |
Вешать лапшу на уши[v̀eshat’ lapsh̀u na ̀ushi] | To hang noodles on the ears | To pitch a line; to pour banana oil in the ear |
Вилами на воде писано[v̀ilami na vadỳe p̀isana] | Written with a pitchfork on the water | It’s still all up in the air |
Витать в облаках[vit̀at’ v ablak̀ah] | To be hovering in the clouds | To daydream, to be miles away |
Водить за нос[vadít’ z̀a nos] | To lead someone by the nose | To pull someone’s leg |
Глаза разбегаются[glaz̀a razbig̀ayutsya ] | Eyes scatter | Overchoice; one doesn’t know where to look first |
Дать зуб[dat’ zub] | To give a tooth | To swear; to cross one’s heart |
Два сапога пара[dva sapag̀a para] | Two boots is a pair | To be cut from the same cloth |
Делать из мухи слона[delat’ iz m̀uhi slaǹa] | To make an elephant out of a fly | To make a mountain out of a molehill |
Денег куры не клюют[den’ik k̀ury ni klyuỳut] | The hens don’t peck at the money | To roll in money |
Дойти до ручки[dayt̀i da r̀uchki] | To reach the handle | To be at the end of one’s rope |
Душа ушла в пятки[dush̀a ushl̀a f pỳatki] | One’s soul has gone into one’s heels | One’s heart sank into one’s boot |
Закинуть удочку[zak̀inut’ ̀udachku] | To cast a line | To put a line out |
И ежу понятно[I jezh̀u panỳatna ] | Even a hedgehog understands | Sure as eggs are eggs |
И на старуху бывает проруха[i na star̀uhu byv̀ayet prar̀uha] | Even the old woman can make a mistake | Everyone makes mistakes; it is a good horse that never stumbles |
Капля в море[k̀aplya v m̀orye] | A drop in the sea | A drop in the bucket |
Когда рак на горе свистнет[kagda rak na gar̀e sv̀isnit] | when a crawfish whistles on the mountain | Tomorrow never comes |
Кот наплакал[kot napl̀akal] | Cat wept | Dribs and drabs |
Купить кота в мешке[kup̀it’ kat̀a v meshk̀e] | To buy a cat in a sack | To buy a pig in a poke |
Не в своей тарелке[ni f sv̀ayej tar̀elki] | (to be) not in one’s plate | To be like a fish out of water |
Ни рыба ни мясо[ni r̀yba ni mỳasa] | Neither fish nor meat | Wishy-washy |
Остаться с носом[ast̀at’sya s ǹosam] | To be left with the nose | To miss the boat |
Первый блин комом[p̀ervyj blin k̀omam] | The first pancake is always lumpy | You must spoil before you spin |
Плевать в потолок[pliv̀at’ f patal̀ok] | To spit at the ceiling | To idle away one’s time |
Положить зубы на полку[palazh̀it’ z̀uby na p̀olku] | To put the teeth on the shelf | To tighten one‘s belt |
Проще пареной репы[pr̀osh’e p̀arenoy r̀epy] | Easier than a steamed turnip | As easy as falling off a log |
Спустя рукава[spustỳa rukav̀a] | With sleeves rolled down | Let things slide |
Убить двух зайцев[ubit’ dvuh z̀aytsef] | To kill two hares | To kill two birds with one stone |
Утро вечера мудренее[̀utra v̀echera mudreǹeye] | Morning is wiser than evening | To sleep on it |
When you want to describe a situation with a single bright phrase, without going into details, idioms will help. To practice and learn how to use them in the right situations, it is better to train with experienced teachers. At the School of Russian Language “Leader”, you can choose a convenient learning format and start your lessons as soon as possible.
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